Instagram Anger and Liver Flushing - Raw Yogini Sonia

Anger and Liver Flushing


I am on the 4th day of juice fasting and tonight I will drink the liver flush concoction (translation, olive oil and grapefruit juice) and expect a lot (and I mean lots) of gallbladder stones to come out tomorrow morning.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver is connected to the emotion anger.  So a liver cleanse could naturally translate to cleaning up deep-seated anger.

Many times I’d been told, mostly by romantic partners but never by friends, that I am an angry person.  This is quite unusual for a yogini, healthy, environment-loving person that I am.  But yes, I do know that there is that anger in me that needs to be acknowledged, loved, and released.

A few months ago in a life coaching session with Dr. Amy Rachel, I was told that there is an unexpressed anger in me.  A situation from years back when I was supposed to get angry but I did not, made me feel unheard and perhaps, unloved.  Emotions unexpressed are of course unacknowledged.  Amy told me that everytime I get close to someone especially in a romantic relationship, that little girl that was never heard would show up wanting to once and for all be listened too.  But before being listened too, I get angry.  The cause of the anger is not necessarily the person I am with now but someone from the past which for reasons I never allowed myself to get mad to.

This is quite sad because this has led to a lot of endings in my relationships.  Of course there is no quick fix.  The liver flush is just the beginning, a physical cleansing which hopefully will be followed by emotionally cleansing, and finally an expression of that anger, and once and for all, a release.

In due time.

One interesting thing to mention here is the moment I said I will release that anger, a lot of things happened that actually triggered anger in me – guard at the gym, student coming in late, even people on the street.  I listen to what they say and I feel irritated and angry.  I guess the universe is teaching me to feel and release.




Categories: Detox, Juice Fast, Liver flush, Traditional Chinese Medicine