Instagram Baby in the tummy - Raw Yogini Sonia

Baby in the tummy

I’d been teaching Prenatal yoga since August 14 and I know this is something I want to go on doing.  I first tried prenatal yoga during the Sivananda Yoga Teacher’s Training Course in India and I instantly said, this is something I want to teach.



I’ve never been a mother and I wouldn’t know exactly how a pregnant woman feels apart from stories from friends.  But the thought of relaxing through breath work and yoga poses with a baby in your tummy appeals to me.  So much more sharing and teaching it to a group of pregnant women.

Finally this year, I get to teach it.  Three times a week!  One student said that soon after the first session her lower back pain is gone and the other is just too happy that her arms are so much toner than when we started yoga.

Apart from the physical benefits, prenatal yoga gives the mommy and the baby their “our” time at its best.  Often I’d see the mom caressing her tummy in between poses and you just know that they are connecting in a very deep level.  Often too, especially during Savasana, I’d see little tummy kicks and you know that the baby is there making her/his presence so felt.

I feel the excitement of the mommies and I am reminded of my mom.  She must have been very excited.  The thought of raising and nurturing a baby, watching her grow, and turn into an adult and soon lead her own life must have been very exciting and scary for my mom and dad.  But they did well.

I am sure my soon-to-be mommy students will do just as well.  I am blessed to be a part of their birthing journey.


Baby pillow on my tummy. At the Sivananda prenatal yoga teacher's training. January 2011.

Baby pillow on my tummy. At the Sivananda prenatal yoga teacher’s training. January 2011.

Categories: Prenatal Yoga