Instagram Peppermint Tea - Raw Yogini Sonia

Peppermint Tea

I just got home from a raw food lecture and demonstration at Manila Tytana Colleges (formerly Manila Doctors College).

Feeling a bit tired but I know exactly what I needed.  I went to the kitchen and got myself some dried peppermint leaves (I dried them myself), warmed some water, and I’m set for a relaxing afternoon.

Thought you might want try them and have a relaxing Raw Food Tuesday tea.

How to make this tea…

Peppermint Tea1 tsp dried peppermint leaves + 1 cup warm water + lots of loving thoughts

Here are three health benefits of peppermint tea which to me are more than enough reasons to include them in your regular diet :

  • helps fight colds and flu
  • this stomach healer helps with digestion and other stomach problems
  • good bedtime tea

P.S.  I feel a bit disappointed that the students were not that happy with the food, they said it’s an acquired taste.  But lesson learned.  Next time, I’ll prepare something a bit more mainstream or as my assistant told me, I need to prepare something that even non-vegetarians like her would love.  But all in all, I had fun during the class.  It’s always nice to be surrounded by young people.

Categories: Raw Food Tuesdays!